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Crisis Support and Warning Signs

如果你或你认识的人在处理压力事件方面有困难,圣人 Louis University Counseling Center is here to help. During normal business hours, 请致电314-977-8255 (TALK)或亲临诊所与我们联系. Business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday during the academic year or 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the summer break. 

大学咨询中心为任何符合条件的学生提供支持服务 谁可能有一个非常困难的时间来管理情绪,应对悲伤 以及失去亲人和/或正在处理创伤性事件影响的人(例如.g. sexual assault/interpersonal violence).  

危机服务也被设计为与正在经历危机的学生一起工作 或精神健康紧急情况,破坏功能和/或导致感觉 或表现出自残或伤害他人意图的行为. 

针对那些表现出高风险需求、行为和/或自杀/杀人倾向的学生 一名UCC临床工作人员/临床研究生助理将立即会面 with the student for a crisis support session.  These sessions are available between 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

After Hours Crisis Support

在正常工作时间以外(包括周末和节假日)学生发生危机 have several options:

  • 如果遇到危及生命的紧急情况,请立即拨打911
  • If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 to reach the suicide and crisis lifeline, or visit to chat with someone online
  • 联系你的住宿顾问或住宿生活专业人员
  • Call the Department of Public Safety at 314-977-3000
  • 咨询大学咨询中心24/7行为健康护士分诊 line by calling 314-977-8255 and press option #9.  Information about this service is explained below.

About the Nurse Triage Line

这条由远程医疗公司Fonemed运营的分诊线为学生提供了一个机会 立即获得行为健康护士的日常和危机援助 24/7.  分诊线的范围不是提供即时咨询,而是 评估一个呈现的问题,并建议学生做什么.  For students who desire 与有执照的心理健康专家联系,他们可以要求联系 到MDLive,后者将安排学生进行虚拟咨询 appointment at a later time (typically within 24-48 hours).  For urgent safety needs, 护士会指示打电话的人联系911、DPS或就近求助 ER for a full safety assessment.  For routine needs, a nurse will offer self-help 如果需要,建议并将学生转介到适当的护理水平.

Additional After-Hours Resources

  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:  988 
  • 行为健康反应(BHR): 314-469-6644或800-811-4760
  • SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital: 314-577-8000
  • Life Crisis Services: 314-647-4357
  • 国家希望热线(英语和西班牙语):1-800-784-2433
  • 第一次求助热线(英语和西班牙语):1-800-492-0618
  • The Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ support): 1-866-488-7386
  • BlackLine (Black, Black LGBTQI, Brown, Native and Muslim community):1-800- 604-5841
  • TransLifeline 1-877-565-8860

For Those Concerned About a Student in Distress

如果你在博彩网址大全或工作,你可能会遇到有心理健康需求的学生. 你可以采取一些步骤来帮助他们,并将他们推荐给有用的资源.

Step 1: Identify the Warning Signs

识别学生处于困境的警告信号并不需要特殊的训练 or expertise. It does, however, require an awareness of symptoms. Not everyone will 直接指出哪里出了问题,但语言和行为往往会这样做. Look for changes in the following areas:


  • Shows up for an event or class but leaves early
  • Makes excuses to avoid social opportunities
  • Doesn't seem to connect with others
  • Skips class frequently
  • Stays in room or bed all day
  • Avoids eye-contact

Troubling Communications

  • Intends to harm self or someone else
  • Expresses a hopeless or negative outlook
  • Blames self or others for mood/behavior
  • Speaks in a confused or disorganized way

Major Changes in Mood or Behavior

  • 表现出焦虑、沮丧、“退房”、紧张或不安
  • Neglects personal hygiene or appearance
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Significant weight gain or loss
  • Increased sleep or inability to sleep nearly every day
  • Decreased ability to concentrate
Step 2: Listen

Don't be afraid to ask "What's wrong?" or "What's going on?" Simply asking the question won't create a problem where there isn't one. Don't underestimate the importance of listening. 不用做任何其他事情,你就是在提供可能有所帮助的支持 一个学生感到被倾听和理解,也许是第一次. Face-to-face communication is best, when possible, but any (e.g. email, text) communication is better than none.

  • Be attentive
  • Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal language
  • Convey an accepting attitude (e.g., try not to judge or dismiss the person)
Step 3: Communicate Concern

Express concern in a calm, non-judgmental way.  Provide words of empathy and normalize their difficulties.  让学生知道你是为他们而存在的 will help connect them with the proper support.

给他们空间和时间来分享他们的感受,而不是告诉他们“停止哭泣”。 or that “this isn’t a big deal”.  Instead use phrases such as, “ It is okay for you 分享和表达你的感受”,“我能看出你正在经历一段艰难的时期”, 或者“我很担心你,觉得你可能需要一些额外的支持。”.

Step 4: Make a Referral

请记住,与正常生活事件作斗争并不总是需要咨询. However, if the situation is causing a severe reaction (e.g. the student seems to (正在走下坡路或功能不正常)或者已经持续了超过 一周或两周,然后转介到咨询可能是合适的.

大学咨询中心的工作人员在这里提供帮助、指导和支持. 如果你想咨询工作人员如何处理学生的担忧, call 314-977-8255 (TALK).

When Should I Refer?

  • 查看上述警告标志,以确定是否有任何适用于学生. Trust your own intuition even if there are no identifiable signs.
  • 如果你对学生的安全有直接的担忧(你认为他/她可能会造成) 伤害自己或他人),留在学生身边,并致电公共安全部门 at 314-977-3000 or 911.  对于那些与思想斗争的人来说,拨打988也是一个选择 of suicide.
  • 如果它不是危及生命的情况,但你仍然担心,你可以参与 DPS和/或陪同学生定期到大学咨询中心 business hours.

After-Hour Options

  • 联系学生的住宿顾问或住宿生活专业人员
  • Speak to on-call campus ministry staff at 314-630-9197
  • Call the Department of Public Safety at 314-977-3000
  • 咨询随叫随到的UCC工作人员,电话:314-977-8522

How do I Refer?

  • 如果可能的话,鼓励学生直接预约. You may want to 帮助他们拨打电话,在预约时等待,甚至步行 with them to the University Counseling Center.

Learn How to Make an Appointment

Apps for Mental Health Support

应用程序不应该用来取代心理健康治疗,但可以结合使用 with other campus resources. These are a few suggested electronic resources that can 帮助你发展更好的应对技能,处理压力情况,提高整体素质 focus and attention.

Calm AppCalm Mindfulness and meditation to bring clarity, joy and peace.
Calm Harm AppCalm Harm Helps manage the urge to self-harm.
CBT Thought Diary, Mood Tracker and CBT JournalCBT Thought Diary Mood Tracker and cognitive behavioral journal.

Headspace meditation appHeadspace

从有指导的冥想中选择,从管理压力到日常焦虑 to sleep, focus and mind-body health.
Meditation StudioMeditation Studio A collection of guided meditations.
PTSD Coach AppPTSD Coach 供经历创伤后症状的退伍军人、军人和平民使用 stress disorder.
Relax AppRelax Sleep sounds, relaxing melodies, customization available.
SAM AppSAM App Helps users understand and manage anxiety.
Virtual Hope Box AppVirtual Hope Box Coping, relaxation, distraction and positive thinking.
wayForward AppWayForward 在短短的5-10分钟内克服与社交场合有关的焦虑和紧张 sessions.
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